Dillon Family Dentistry Bryn Mawr Dillon Family Dentistry is the best local dentist office in Bryn Mawr, PA. The best family dental care that serve in Bryn Mawr, Villanova and adjoining area. 40.026348, -75.328827
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What you don’t hear in a dentist’s office?

You might say laughter, but we actually crack that one in here at Dillon Family Dentistry. Sadly, what is all-too-often the case is that apparently other dentists aren’t always offering all of their patients all of the options for their unique situation and all of the possible treatment options. We take great solace and sanctuary [...]

2019-08-20T18:26:17-04:00September 13th, 2018|News|

Straight talk on straightening smiles!!!

I remembered when I was at Temple Dental School, about 30 years ago, I was telling one of my favorite instructors. Andrea Cohen that I was working on weekends and on breaks in our family’s moving business. She knew my father was a dentist and asked me why I didn’t go into orthodontics. It took [...]

2024-03-29T15:24:52-04:00June 1st, 2018|News, Uncategorized|

Lucky You!!! Painless Dentistry

First and foremost let me put it out there that the practice of dentistry is a painless venture 99% of the time in our office these days. It’s so much easier being a painless dentist nowadays, I feel like a spoiled brat dentist compared to what my father had at his disposal when he started [...]

2019-08-20T18:26:17-04:00April 2nd, 2018|News|

Don’t throw the baby (teeth) out with the water!

That’s right, we can’t have a disposable mentality towards baby teeth. Sure they aren’t meant to last, but they have a few jobs to do on top of letting the little buggers chew. Also known as primary teeth, these little choppers are more important than you may think. For one thing, they reserve space for [...]

2022-01-31T08:39:38-05:00November 3rd, 2015|News|
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