Can tooth loss cause memory loss?

Unfortunately, many of us know of someone or have a family member who suffers from dementia. Scientists are not sure exactly what causes dementia. Research shows,  so far,  that they do confirm it develops from multiple interlinked causes. So, could dental health have anything to do with the onset of this horrible disease?

One study was carried out in Japan that involved 1,500 elderly patients. According to the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society in which it was published, people who had fewer than 20 teeth had a 60% higher chance of developing dementia. The study also showed that the risk of dementia increased with patients who had less than 10 teeth; the risk factor went up to 81%.  Although this study does not directly reveal that tooth loss is a cause of dementia, it suggests that poor oral hygiene could be a sign of poor overall health.  It might also be linked to having a poor diet – it’s going to be significantly harder to eat a full, balanced diet if you don’t have many teeth!

Even though no new scientific information came out of this study, there are still plenty of reasons to make sure you keep your mouth healthy. Your overall health is directly related to your oral health. Good oral hygiene is not only brushing your teeth twice a day, but also flossing, avoiding sugary drinks and food, and visiting your dentist regularly. Healthy teeth also mean healthy gums! Gingivitis, the beginning stage of gum disease, can ultimately lead to tooth loss. Multiple studies over the years have proven that gum disease has a direct correlation with diabetes and heart disease.

Any type of infection in your body is due to an inflammation response, in which your body starts to produce C-reactive protein (CRP).  High levels of CRP can put you at a greater risk of cardiovascular complications. In dental terms, when you have a dental infection you are 5-10 times more likely to suffer from a stroke, heart attack, or other types of heart disease. Those are some scary statistics!! So, whether you think that you are overdue for a cleaning, or that you may have gum disease, or even a dental infection please come in and see Dr. Dillon.  Call 610-525-5497 to set up an appointment !

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