We got you covered!

Dental New Year’s Resolutions

It’s never been easier to meet your resolutions for a great start to a New Year and a NEW YOU!

It doesn’t matter what your wishes are for your teeth, smile and oral health; 2024 offers faster, easier and more affordable dental treatment in Bryn Mawr than ever before.

One of the best evolutions in dentistry has been the increased applications quality of Digital Scanners. Gone are the days of messy, gooey impressions that gag you.

Scanners take thousands of images of your teeth very accurately and lets the lab know exactly what the teeth look like and how the upper and lower teeth align spatially.

As a result, I can easily say that I have never done better quality work in my career.

Patients also love that it is faster and less obtrusive.

We use scanners in our Bryn Mawr dental office for crowns, porcelain veneers and porcelain inlays and onlays.

We can also use them for full and partial dentures and even dentures that are supported by dental implants. The impressions required to get all of the information for dentures were the most bulky and annoying. These patients are benefitting from painless dentistry that is faster, better and less anxiety-provoking.

We make all of our night guards and other appliances digitally as well.

Orthodontics has been reaping the BEST advantages from digital scanning.

Not only does the information get to the lab immediately, before the patient even leaves the offices, but the lab techs can quickly get us mock-ups of what the treatment would look like, how long it will take and how much it might cost. The images go right from our Bryn Mawr dental office to the lab before our patients are even out of the chair.

This allows us to compare different forms of treatment, whether it is INVISALIGN or any of the other vendors to fit the right plan for the best price right away.

One of the most profound treatments we do for our patients is Sleep Dentistry, treating sleep apnea and snoring.

At its most severe, sleep apnea is a silent killer. All of Philadelphia mourned the death of beloved #92, Reggie White, who died from sleep apnea.

Commonly apnea leaves people tired, grumpy and suffering from a long list of maladies including hypertension, diabetes and obesity in adults and ADHD in children.

You see ads for terrible, bulky, bacteria trap CPAP machines on TV.

They are bulky, obtrusive and can be as large of an issue as with couples trying to sleep in the same room as snoring.

CPAP machines are also bulky and annoying when travelling.

INSPIRE is a $50,000 option to surgically place a device that will try to control your breathing.


We use our scanners to make removable appliances, like Silent Nite and Dorsal Fin appliances. These are removable appliances you can wear when you sleep. They are basically connected upper and lower retainers that help pull your jaw forward so the airway in the back is wide open.

These devices cost a small fraction of the other solutions and can be taken and used anywhere.

So, like I said at the top.

We got you!

No matter what dental need you may have we can make the process of achieving your dental goals easier, faster, more comfortable and better than ever before.

Just call Joanne at Dillon Family Dentistry in Bryn Mawr and get started on achieving your goals this month.
