Fluoride in the water? It’s elemental!    

Fluoride is part of the greatest public health initiative in history. The impact of the addition of a small amount of fluoride in municipal water supplies has been tremendous, exceeding expectations of reducing decayed, missing and filled teeth since its inception in the mid-20th Century. Fluoride that is consumed from fluoridated water helps strengthen the enamel of developing teeth in young children. It is not only beneficial to the younger population, but it also is for people of all other ages as well.

Is it safe to have fluoride in the drinking water?

Conclusively and repeatedly studies have shown that fluoride levels of .7ppm in drinking water is safe.  In August 2017, a report was published by New Zealand’s most prestigious scientific bodies saying that, “its panel was unanimous in its conclusion that there are no adverse effects of fluoride of any significance arising from fluoridation of water.

Studies on water fluoridation started as early as the 1940s. Many different studies have been conducted trying to determine appropriate levels of fluoridation. The 2016 NIH studies even tested levels of 4ppm, over 5 times greater than the recommended levels, were found to have adverse learning, memory or motor functions on rats.

Why is this an issue?      

It’s important to understand that there are areas in the world where the water is naturally fluoridated at levels much higher than those introduced to municipal supplies. In those areas people have had markedly increased incidence of fluorosis and mottled enamel. These are situations where the enamel on the tooth can get badly stained or misshapen. However, they are usually rock-solid and rarely get cavities.

But I heard that the UN declared it a neurotoxin!

This is true. Fluoride can be found in extremely high levels as a result of highly fluoridated industrial waste. Once again these are levels much, much higher than those recommended on municipal water supplies and they have been linked to cognitive and other health problems in humans. The UN has been working on cracking down on industries that pollute aquifers with their waste.

A few years ago there was an increase in the amount of cavities in the population. Experts believe the combination of removing fluoride from water supplies, increased consumption of purified and bottled water and residential water filters removing daily exposure to fluoride have contributed to this trend.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention states, “with other available sources of fluoride, studies show that water fluoridation reduces tooth decay by about 25% over a person’s lifetime.

So spread the word to your family, neighbors, and friends. Drinking fluoridated water remains a smart way to avoid tooth decay and us! But if you need us we’re here for you at Dillon Family Dentistry. Just call JoAnne at 610-525-5497 and we’ll be sure to take loving care of you and answer all of your dental questions while listening to great music.