10 good foods for your teeth

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Ok, so we’re all still digesting all of the food from the Holidays, right?
We’re all talking big stuff about our new eating habits and coming up with great ideas for better health in your friendly Main Line dentist. We thought you might be in the same boat and wanted to chime in with some food for thought for your teeth.

Ten Foods That Are Good For Your Teeth!

1. Cheese. Maybe there’s a reason that when we “say cheese” it’s time to smile! With high levels of phosphate and calcium, cheese promotes healthy teeth, balances oral pH, and can destroy bacteria that cause cavities and gum disease.

2. Dairy products. Other than cheese, milk and yogurt are rich in calcium and low in acidity – both positive things for your teeth and gums.

3. Green tea. This delicious drink is an anti-oxidant soup which prevents plaque from accumulating on your teeth, reducing cavities and bad breath. Just take it easy on the added sugar and honey!

4. Kiwi. Most fruits are loaded with Vitamin C, and eating them raw can give your gums a good healthy massage as well. Kiwis are exceptionally high in C, which can increase the collagen in your gums and make them stronger.

5. Onions. Sure, raw onions can make your breath pretty smelly. But the sulfur compounds that contribute to temporary bad breath also kill dangerous bacteria that harm the teeth. Brush, floss and rinse after your eat them, or better yet – make sure your kissing partner eats them too!

6. Celery. Eat plenty of celery and you may not have to stalk your dentist as much! Raw celery massages your gums, and can increase the production of healthy saliva.

7. Sesame seeds. These little wonders actually can scrape plaque from your teeth and are packed with tooth-strengthen calcium. The bleached white flour bagel they are often attached to – that’s a different story.

8. Sweet potato. These beauties are loaded with Vitamin A, and are especially good for babies whose teeth are developing. An orange nose is an added bonus!

9. Shiitake mushrooms. Believe it or not, these tasty fungi often found in Asian foods contain a sugar that prevents plaque from forming on your teeth.

10. Water. There’s a reason water is called “the gift of life,” and you would be hard pressed to find a healthy foods list without it. Dentally speaking, water keeps your mouth hydrated, cleans and rinses your teeth and gums, stimulates saliva production, and can dislodged trapped food particles.

As great as these foods may be, there is much more to healthy teeth and gums than loading up on celery, cheese and water! If it is time for you to visit a private dental clinic near you for a regular dental examination and cleaning, dental implant services or even an expert opinion about your dental health, we are here for you! Please give us a call at 610-991-7844.

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