So, this is a common one.

A patient comes in and asks what they should have done in a certain situation.

Usually, I’ve always asked what I’d do for my Mom, sister, wife or one of my kids and that would cover it.

Sometimes, that’s not quite enough.

I had a patient ask me a few years ago if the should have some elective, Cosmetic Dentistry procedure done.

Cosmetically for the patient there would have been a clear advantage to the procedure.

But, there is the risk of me projecting my values on them.

My thought process took me to the Rotary 4 Way Test I have hanging in my reception room:

  1. Is it the TRUTH?
  2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
  3. Will it build GOODWILL and better FRIENDSHIPS?
  4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

This is a litmus test all things we say and do.

But sometimes even this isn’t good enough of a tool to help us.

Flashback to Fr. Jenneman’s Sophomore Philosophy class at St. Joe’s University and I remembered a quote (help me if you know who said this first) “If a man perceives a situation as real, it’s real in its consequences.”


This was the one that helped.

So, I asked the woman if she looked at or focused on the imperfection in the mirror, or in photographs of herself or smiled differently or didn’t smile at all because of the issue-at-hand. She said, “yes”, I said “YES!” and we happily did some cosmetic bonding and she’s been appreciative of it ever since.

I’d like to thank my Mom, Rotary and Fr. Jenneman for helping me to be a better dental coach.  If you are looking for cosmetic dentist in Bryn Mawr, contact our local dentist office for safe and reliable treatment.

Dillon Family Dentistry, 1084 East Lancaster Ave Rosemont PA 19010, Phone Number: 610-228-0329