Your Teeth Deserve a Vacation

The suitcases are packed, the car is loaded, the dog is at the kennel – and it’s time for summer vacation!! There is no better time for relaxing at the beach, exploring a fascinating city, or enjoying the outdoors. Being miles away from home always makes it less stressful and more fun too!
But being miles away from home means that you are also far from us – your favorite dental office! And while there is no way to prevent a dental emergency from happening while you are away from home, there are a few items you can bring on vacation to make things more pleasant should an emergency situation emergency arise. You can even throw them together into a cosmetics bag and make your own “Dental Emergency Kit!”
Here are some items to include:
Pain relief: Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil or generic) is usually safe and effective to use for minor dental discomfort.
Lost filling or crown: “Dentemp One Step Filling Material” is a good temporary solution for replacing a crown (cap) or protecting an area exposed by a lost filling. This is available at most drug stores and on the internet.
Broken denture: “The D.O.C. Denture Repair Kit” works as a short term measure to adhere a lost denture tooth or repair a cracked denture. Also available at drug stores and online.
Lost tooth: Carry a prescription medicine vial. Should an accident occur and an adult tooth is lost with the root intact – DO NOT clean or handle the root. Place it in the medicine vial along with some liquid (preferably milk) and seek dental attention immediately.
Food or other item stuck between teeth: This can be a very uncomfortable situation, so be sure to have dental floss on hand to remove any item stuck between the teeth. Hey – you should be carrying dental floss anyway!!
Cuts on gums, lips or tongue: Clean gauze or cloth. As with bleeding anywhere on the body, pressure with a clean gauze or cloth is the first line of treatment. If bleeding does not stop, seek medical attention immediately.
For many minor dental irritations of the teeth, gums and mouth, a good old-fashioned warm salt water rinse can give temporary relief. We are not big fans of medications like Anbesol Gel as there are many side effects and over usage can harm the mouth tissues.
So there you have it – your very own travel dental emergency kit! The most important thing to remember is that all of the solutions presented here are temporary in nature. Should any emergency arise, it is important to see a dentist as soon as possible.
At the dental office of Dr. David Dillon, we are always here for you, even if you are far away from home. If you have any questions about a dental emergency or anything else dental related and need a good private dentist near you, please give us a call at 610-510-8197. We always see emergencies promptly to get you back to feeling your best as soon as possible. Have a safe, healthy summer vacation, and don’t forget to brush and floss!

Dillon Family Dentistry
1084 E. Lancaster Ave.
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010

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