Are there people you trust more than others?
According to pollsters in England, people are more willing to tell the truth to their hairdresser than to their clergy! Maybe that’s because your clergy-person can’t give you a bad haircut!
Recently the Gallup Organization wanted to find out what the least and most trusted professions in America are. What’s your guess?
No surprise – members of Congress and car salespeople were at the bottom of the heap when it comes to trust! You just have to listen to the news for a few minutes to start having a finer appreciation for those you can trust.
But here at Dillon Family Dentistry, we are proud to say that the top five trusted professions are nurses, pharmacists, physicians, engineers, and…….dentists!!
So are we trying to brag? Maybe a little bit! But the point is – we know dentistry can be confusing. I remember the first time I was buying a life insurance policy that no matter how simply the agent was explaining terms like, “whole, term, annuities, dividends” and other phrases that felt like they should make sense to me I just couldn’t grasp the concepts fully. I was largely left to trust the agent and the product he was recommending. We appreciate that our patients are sometimes in the same situation, so we take the time to explain things simply and thoroughly and exhaust all of our patient’s questions, because that’s what we would want for ourselves.
Dr. Dillon and our talented team have gone through years of rigorous and difficult training in order to provide you with the highest level of dental care and communication, and we are constantly continuing our training to treat you even better. We strive to offer the most conservative comprehensive treatment recommendations and then listen to your thoughts and concerns to help us come to the right plan for you and your teeth!
But most of all, we appreciate that when you come to our practice; you have faith in us and put your dental health and comfort in our hands. That is a responsibility we take very seriously. You can be sure that we will treat you just as we would treat any of our loved ones or members of our family – with the utmost level of care.
If you, or someone you know isn’t really sure that they are getting the level of care they deserve, whether it be being over-treated or not paying close enough personal attention to them please give us a call today at 610-525-5497. We are here for you!!!