Dillon Family Dentistry Bryn Mawr Dillon Family Dentistry is the best local dentist office in Bryn Mawr, PA. The best family dental care that serve in Bryn Mawr, Villanova and adjoining area. 40.026348, -75.328827
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The POTs vs PANTs of toothbrushes

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5ktSAvAO0A&feature=youtu.be Choosing the Right Toothbrush: Pots vs. Pants One of the most common questions we are asked at Dillon Family Dentistry is: “What kind of toothbrush should I use?” POTS (Plain Ole Toothbrushes) and PANTs (Pretty Amazing New Toothbrushes) are having an epic battle these days. Let's look at the PANTs first. Recently a [...]

2024-03-28T03:10:19-04:00September 26th, 2016|News, Uncategorized|

The Big Flossing Scandal of 2016

So, this is a tough one. I’ve never really been the dentist that drills his patients on the need to floss. There was a lot of discussion about flossing this summer in the wake of the article that cited several studies over recent years that reported a lack of data proving that flossing is effective [...]

2019-08-20T18:26:21-04:00September 13th, 2016|News, Uncategorized|

Bet you don’t know how to brush your teeth!

You hope that just about everybody brushes their teeth, but only one in ten people are doing it effectively! To that, we have to say a great big “YUCK!!” Imagine if only ten percent of the population showered correctly. That would be pretty gross. But according to researchers at The University of Gothenburg, ninety percent [...]

2022-02-25T02:48:57-05:00April 7th, 2016|News|

Dillon Dental March Madness!

It’s time once again for March Madness – and here at Dillon Family Dentistry we would like to join in the fun. So here are ten crazy facts about teeth and dentistry to make you smile. They may improve your health too! 1) Did you know that the average human produces 25,000 quarts of saliva [...]

2022-02-25T03:24:27-05:00March 7th, 2016|News|

Don’t throw the baby (teeth) out with the water!

That’s right, we can’t have a disposable mentality towards baby teeth. Sure they aren’t meant to last, but they have a few jobs to do on top of letting the little buggers chew. Also known as primary teeth, these little choppers are more important than you may think. For one thing, they reserve space for [...]

2022-01-31T08:39:38-05:00November 3rd, 2015|News|

Best Dentistry in History; Right here!

Italian researchers have evidence of a 14,000 year old teeth that had been worked on by the first known 'dentist'. Here's the article: http://www.iflscience.com/health-and-medicine/14000-year-old-tooth-shows-oldest-form-dentistry-and-it-s-pretty-grim Dental Amalgam, "Silver Fillings", have been used for less than 200 years. Not so long in respect to the full history of dentistry. If you look at all of the advances [...]

2022-02-25T02:38:13-05:00August 5th, 2015|News|

Sticky Situations!

  Is chewing gum a healthy or dangerous habit? Our wonderful staff here at Dillon Family Dentistry would love to answer this frequently asked question for our patients! The answer… BOTH! Dr. Dillon puts a great deal of effort in practicing preventative dentistry here in the dental office on the  Main Line, so we would [...]

2022-02-24T02:17:49-05:00May 22nd, 2014|News|

Do You Know The Basics?

Recently the American Dental Association did a survey to see if typical Americans knew some basic facts about dental health. Here are some of the questions – play along and see how you do! • What type of bristles should you have on your toothbrush – soft, medium, or hard? Most people chose either medium [...]

2022-01-31T06:02:13-05:00October 22nd, 2013|News|

Mostly for my older peeps

It seems that almost all meds these days have a side-effect of xerostomia, or dry mouth. On top of meds radiation treatment for cancer can also cause dry mouth. You really need your saliva to keep your teeth healthy. You see your teeth are actually in a dynamic state of breaking down and being rebuilt. [...]

2024-03-29T15:02:08-04:00August 19th, 2013|News, Uncategorized|
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