Thought dentures were a thing of the past?
Here are some alarming stats about dentures and edentulism, having no teeth. More than 33 million Americans have no teeth, so that’s over 10% of the population. More than what…
Here are some alarming stats about dentures and edentulism, having no teeth. More than 33 million Americans have no teeth, so that’s over 10% of the population. More than what…
Do you just love the feeling after your professional dental cleaning here at Dillon Family Dentistry? Your mouth is at its freshest and cleanest, your teeth their whitest. And the…
OK, so things haven’t really gone your way dentally. Sorry to hear that. Dillon Family Dentistry, 1084 East Lancaster Ave Rosemont PA 19010, Phone Number: 610-228-0329 You still have options…