A couple important things to help round out the year.

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First off, for those of you with dental insurance, many of your plans have money for you that has to be used in the calendar year and then IT IS GONE!!! If you have work to be done or don’t know if you need anything done, now is the time to schedule an appointment to get in here and get on it so you can maximize your benefits. For many patients one bad tooth needing root canal and a crown can use up most of a year’s benefits, so make sure that you use up this year’s and leave yourself all of next year’s to focus on prevention. Early diagnosis can help prevent toothaches and major dentistry and help make 2013 even better.
Just a friendly reminded from your local Bryn Mawr dentist!

OK, so we got through Thanksgiving, now onto the gauntlet of Holiday celebrations into the New Year!
For many of us this time of year is toughest to stay healthy. There are lots of tricks that can help with moderation of chow and cheer that can help. Here are some tips to keep in mind when preparing your feasts this season.
These holidays be sure to prepare meals that are not only delicious but healthy for your teeth and gums too! Some vitamins and nutrients which are good for your oral health are vitamins A, C and D, phosphorous, and calcium. A delicious Thanksgiving dinner can include them all!
Here are a few things that will make your chompers thank you.
• Turkey is high in phosphorous, which is not only healthy for developing teeth but can actually help rebuild tooth enamel.
• Sweet potatoes are loaded with nutrients including vitamins A, C and B6 and are thought to be much healthier than regular white potatoes.
• Greens and winter vegetables are great sources of vitamins A and C, both of which are excellent to help prevent gum disease.
• Cranberries contain flavonoids which can prevent bacteria from sticking to the teeth and forming plaque.
• Pumpkin pies are loaded with vitamin C and calcium – important for gum health and developing teeth.
Just like our bodies, our teeth and gums need many essential vitamins and minerals to stay strong and healthy. In fact, to ensure proper tooth development and strength, adults, children and seniors alike need a lot of calcium, vitamins and minerals. Many take oral health for granted, but countless studies have shown that there is a strong association between good oral health and good body health. Spending time with your loved ones is even better when everyone is healthy and happy.
May your Holidays be fun and fulfilling for you and your family and a healthy one for your teeth, gums and body as well! Here at Dillon Family Dentistry, we want you to be healthy! Remember, prevention is the key, so be sure to stick with your recommended dental care schedule for the best health of all! Call 610-525-5497 to schedule your appointment today! Enjoy fantastic holidays, and even though your schedule may be hectic this time of year, don’t forget to take care of your teeth, gums, and entire body!

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