Five Signs That You Have The WRONG Dental Insurance!

Hey, Bryn Mawr!
If you have dental insurance – congratulation! Dental insurance is a fantastic way for you to get assistance in paying for your dental health care.

Your dental insurance was chosen for you by your employer based on many factors. While all dental insurance plans differ, one thing that most have in common is that they stress prevention – keeping your teeth and gums as healthy as possible through regular dental examinations, necessary x-rays, and dental cleanings.

When it comes to covering other services such as dental fillings, crowns, gum disease treatment, the replacement of missing teeth and more – insurance programs vary widely. The good thing is that a little bit of helping in paying for your dental care is better than nothing at all.

However, as a service to our patients and community, we would like to point out five sure signs that you may have the wrong dental insurance.

1) the “fine print” on your plan requires a medical-grade microscope to read and is in Swahili.
2) the insurance company’s “on hold music” is The Complete Works of Beethoven – and you’re heard it three times.
3) a non-covered per-existing condition is the presence of teeth.
4) You are restricted to seeing just dentists on a list, and the only dentist in your area is Steve Martin from Little Shop of Horrors.
5) in order to save money, the insurance company requires that you visit a foot doctor at the same time as your dental appointment. Since they are working on different ends of your body it should not interfere.

(You have to contact me to hear the 6th one. Just a special bonus for the inquisitive.)

Hopefully you got a chuckle out of these warning signs. But even if you didn’t recognize any, we realize that dental insurance can be very confusing.

At Dillon Family Dentistry, we know that you may have questions about your dental insurance, and we are here to help. We take pleasure in working with you to maximize your benefits so that you get the best coverage possible. Visit our clinic for a range of dental services that include veneers, dental dentures, teeth whitening services and more. Please give us a call at 610-510 8197 to discuss any questions or concerns that you may have.

Most importantly, whether you have dental insurance or not, we will team up with you to get your teeth and gums in the healthiest condition possible and give you the smiles of your dreams!

Experience Exceptional Care at Dillon Family Dentistry!

Transform your dental care with personalized solutions for all dental needs—from cleanings to cosmetic treatments.

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